My name is Umesh Heendeniya. This website is about the intersection of State Involuntary Civil Commitment laws and federal statute 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(4). Pursuant to my First Amendment rights and analogous State rights, I will explore the issue of how some medical doctors and hospitals abuse and exploit state involuntary civil commitment laws to increase revenue and/or to fraudulently or negligently deprive people of their Second Amendment rights via the federal penal code 18 U.S.C. Section 922(g)(4) and/or analogous State laws.
Firearms and Involuntary Civil Commitment
18 U.S. Code § 922(g)(4) makes it a crime for any person who has been adjudicated as a mental defective or who has been committed to a mental institution to … possess … any firearm or ammunition.
Most people are not aware that, if they were to engage in any type of self-harm or suicidal behavior, they WILL PROBABLY be involuntarily committed to a mental health facility once they’re taken to a hospital.
If they’re Second Amendment advocates, and as a result, have firearms or wants to buy firearms sometime in the future, one of the serious and permanent consequences of this involuntary civil commitment is that, from then on, U.S. Federal Law [18 USC § 922(g)(4)] makes it a serious crime for them to possess a firearm or even a single bullet/shotshell.
I’m a strong advocate of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Thus, I believe that the right of the people to possess firearms for self-defense is a basic right guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. I have been a member and supporter of several national and local gun rights organizations such as Second Amendment Foundation (SAF), National Rifle Association (NRA), Gun Owners of America (GOA), Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO), Florida Carry (Florida Carry), and New York based S.C.O.P.E (SCOPE). I’ve been a member of several of these organizations for nearly 10 years because I believe that those of us who support and advocate an individual right of people to lawfully carry guns to protect their lives ought to assist these organizations in whatever form we can, including paying membership dues. I don’t believe in letting other gun rights advocates fight for my rights and not contribute in any way, and getting a “free ride” or “piggy-back” on other peoples’ hard work and sacrifices.
18 U.S. Code § 922(g)(4)
It shall be unlawful for any person who has been adjudicated as a mental defective or who has been committed to a mental institution to ship or transport in interstate or foreign commerce, or possess in or affecting commerce, any firearm or ammunition; or to receive any firearm or ammunition which has been shipped or transported in interstate or foreign commerce.
Violation of this federal law is punishable by a fine of $250,000 and/or imprisonment of up to 10 years in a federal prison.
18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(4) explained. (Link to the document on the BATFE website)
An Overview of Federal and State Laws Prohibiting Possession of Firearms/Guns by Individuals with a History of Treatment for Mental Illness:
The Secret History of Guns, by Adam Winkler, Esq:
Categories of Prohibited People Policy Summary:
Mental Health Reporting Policy Summary:
“18 USC 922(g)(4)”, “42 USC 1983”, “Civil Rights”, “Deborah Welch”, “False Imprisonment”, “Firearm Rights”, “Firearms and Mental Illness”, “Gael Gilbert”, “George Tremiti”, “Gun Rights”, “Kathryn Howe Ruscitto”, “Lisa Marie O’Connor”, “Lowell Seifter”, “Medical Malpractice”, “Robert Michael Constantine”, “Roger Gary Levine”, “Rosaline Spinella”, “Second Amendment”, “St. Joseph’s Hospital Hospital Health Center”, “Susan Lynn Cate”, “Umesh Heendeniya”, “Horatius Roman”, “Joanne Mary French”, “Wendy Briscoe”, “Rosaline Spinella”, “Involuntary Civil Commitment” , “Committed” , “Involuntarily Committed”, “Firearms and Psychiatric Illness” , “Guns and Mental Illness” , “Guns and Psychiatric Illness” , “Section 1983”, “False Arrest”, “2nd Amendment”, “Second Amendment and Mental Illness”, “Second Amendment and Psychiatric Illness”.
This website is a work in progress, and is maintained by Umesh Heendeniya.